There are only two things we have absolute control over: our thoughts and our actions in the moment. We may be able to influence other outcomes, but we can only fully control those two things, nothing else.
You have control of what goes on in your head. That doesn’t mean you won’t have thoughts that are negative, but you choose if or how long those thoughts stay in your mind. With time and effort, you can teach yourself how to naturally stay focused on the positive in any situation.
Here’s the most important part. If you let that water just sit without continuing to add clean water, it’ll eventually get dirty again. So, you want to constantly add positive thoughts to your brain to keep things from turning negative again.
Every single action has consequences. Sometimes consequences are bad. But sometimes they’re good. If you work out regularly and eat healthy, the consequences of those actions are going to be that your body feels good, and you will most likely have fewer health issues. So, before you do or don’t do something, keep in mind there will be some type of consequence.